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來源:展會無憂網(wǎng)  iainfo.cn




商用地產(chǎn):主要商業(yè)街、SHOPPING MALL、社區(qū)商業(yè)用房、商場商鋪商務(wù)樓、購物中心
C、展位順序分配原則 “先申請、先匯款、先安排”。 主辦單位在收到展位費(fèi)定金后,才能落實(shí)參展商所預(yù)定展位。
地 址:上海市閔行區(qū)滬光東路89號??怂股虅?wù)大廈1號樓312室 
聯(lián)系人: 柴先生 總監(jiān)13601988498(微信備注:移民展) 郵箱:993152624@qq.com
2022 (Shanghai) the 20th overseas real estate immigrant study abroad exhibition
Exhibition time: July 6-08, 2021
Venue: Shanghai New International Expo Center (No. 2345, Longyang Road, Pudong New Area)
Exhibition overview
Overseas real estate and investment immigration Shanghai exhibition is a grand event for the growing overseas real estate and investment immigration industry in China. The exhibition covers four themes: overseas real estate, overseas immigration, overseas study and overseas investment. The three-day exhibition will have exhibitors from more than 40 countries and regions such as Europe, North America, Asia, Australia and Africa, involving overseas real estate, immigration, investment, study abroad and other fields, focusing on high-quality real estate projects and investment immigration services. "2022 (Shanghai) the 20th overseas real estate immigration and study abroad exhibition" is the only professional real estate investment, immigration and study abroad exhibition in Shanghai. We can let you directly face the intended customer groups, understand the advantages and disadvantages of your project, and provide a larger and broader platform for you to promote your project. Therefore, we must be your only choice and best opportunity to enter Shanghai, China. At present, the "2022 (Shanghai) 20th overseas real estate immigrant study abroad exhibition" is a high-grade, all-round and comprehensive large-scale exhibition
This exhibition has unlimited business opportunities and huge market potential. We sincerely invite you to join this exhibition, create the market and show your grand plans!
Exhibition scope:
Domestic and foreign developers, high-end properties, apartments, luxury villas, golf villas, Linshui villas, resort hotels, castles, ski resorts, yacht terminals, sea view real estate and tourism real estate, etc
Overseas real estate: overseas real estate developers, agents, overseas real estate, high-end properties, apartments, luxury villas, golf villas, Linshui villas, resort hotels, castles, ski resorts, yacht docks, land farms, wineries, islands and other facilities
Investment immigration and others: overseas immigration agent and consulting service agency, investment immigration intermediary agent, EB-5 regional center, etc
Villa residence: conjoined villa, duplex villa and single family villa; Large buildings, medium and high-grade apartments, hotels and holiday apartments
Commercial real estate: main commercial streets, shopping mall, community commercial houses, shopping malls, shops, business buildings and shopping centers
International investment institutions: banks, securities firms, law firms, funds, private placement institutions, etc
International Education and study tour institutions: international schools, international language training institutions, international vocational training institutions, study tour institutions, etc
Exhibition procedure:
A. Fill in the exhibition application form and affix the official seal, then mail or fax it to the Organizing Committee; Exhibitors shall pay 50% of the booth fee as a deposit (RMB) within 7 working days according to the requirements of the payment notice to determine the booth location; The balance of booth fee shall be paid before August 1, 2022,
Welcome to pay in one lump sum. Otherwise, the organizer will be deemed to give up the exhibition, and the exhibitors will withdraw from the exhibition halfway after registration, and the exhibition fee will not be refunded.
B. After confirming the booth, the organizer will send the exhibition manual to the exhibitors; The manual includes relevant information such as exhibit transportation, booth design and construction, travel and accommodation arrangements, article rental, etc. exhibitors must fill in the relevant forms in the manual as required and return them to the organizer before the deadline.
C. The principle of booth sequence allocation is "apply first, remit first and arrange first". After receiving the deposit of booth fee, the organizer can implement the booth reserved by the exhibitor.
contact information
Address: room 312, building 1, Fox Business Building, No. 89, Huguang East Road, Minhang District, Shanghai
Contact: Mr. Chai, director 13601988498 (wechat remarks: Immigration exhibition) email: 993152624@qq.com

(expo發(fā)布by  yeaso, 查看yeaso的全部文章)

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